• Your blog may never be lucrative if you're doing these things.

5 Reasons You May Never Have a Lucrative Blog

Do you have a lucrative blog? Does your blog have the potential to be lucrative? I know, those are some scary questions. Not all bloggers like to talk about money. But it's time to get real! (What is a lucrative blog, anyway?) Now that I've just had my first "blogiversary," I can really look back [...]

By |October 31st, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|0 Comments
  • Use Crowdfire to gain Twitter and Instagram followers.

How to Use Crowdfire to Gain Twitter + Instagram Followers

Hey blogging friends and mamas!  Want more Twitter and Instagram followers? Of course you do! Recently a lot of you have asked me how to get more sponsored work on Twitter (follow me!), how to gain more followers, and how to use it to get traffic to your blog. I recently came out with a [...]

By |October 27th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|4 Comments
  • Want to know how to make money with sponsored Tweets?

How to Make Money with Sponsored Tweets

Several months ago, some of you came to me with questions about how I'm making money on Twitter.  I wrote about sponsored Tweets a few months ago but I'd like to answer your questions again today.  Although it's not a huge amount, I do make anywhere from $10-50 per month Tweeting for brands. However, I [...]

By |October 26th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|5 Comments
  • 20 Great gifts for bloggers.

20 Great Gifts for Bloggers

Awhile back, I shared my list of great gifts for bloggers and you all loved it! So today I decided to write an updated version on that very list based on what I've learned since.  Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something from these links, I may receive a commission at no [...]

By |October 24th, 2016|BLOGGING, Income Reports|2 Comments

Tools to Help You Avoid Blogging Overwhelm

Guys, earlier this week I joined a new affiliate program and I just felt the need to tell my blogging friends about it. Surprisingly, joining has been one of those things that just had PERFECT timing. You see, normally when I join an affiliate program it's a pretty good match with what I do and [...]

By |October 22nd, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|0 Comments
  • Which hosting company is best for you?

The Great Hosting Company Debate

*This post contains affiliate links. Are you shopping for a good hosting company? Are you weighing the pros and cons or thinking about switching to a different hosting company? I've seen a lot of new bloggers asking advice for which hosting companies they should be signing up with in Facebook groups lately. I've also seen a [...]

By |October 20th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|2 Comments
  • Need blog ideas? Here are 30.

30+ Blog Ideas for Beginners

Today I come to you with blog ideas for beginners. Why?  Because lately I've heard a lot of people say, "Well, I'd start a blog except that I wouldn't know what to write about." Seriously, I get it. It took me a long time to figure this whole thing out and be brave. I thought [...]

By |October 12th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|0 Comments
  • Want to increase page views on your blog or website? Here are 21 proven methods.

21 Different Ways to Increase Page Views Quickly

Learning how to increase page views is certainly a top priority among bloggers of all kinds. (I think we can all agree on that one!) But learning how to increase page views is also probably one of the hardest things about blogging. If you're new here, this blog is where I share what I've learned [...]

By |October 6th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|49 Comments
  • Beautiful fonts make all the difference for your brand.

10 Beautiful Fonts to Give Your Brand a Fresh Look

One of the first things I did when I was ready to get serious about blogging was consider branding, including the investment of beautiful fonts. I am not a graphic designer, so at the very least, I knew I needed to have a distinct font instead of the free ones you see so overused.   [...]

By |October 4th, 2016|BLOGGING|0 Comments
  • Want to learn how to make fabulous Pinterest images for free?

How to Make Great Pinterest Images Using PicMonkey

Recently, a brand new blogger asked me how she can make a header, logo, and Pinterest images for her blog. It reminded me that I've been meaning to tell you all about PicMonkey for some time!   If you're new here, this is where I share how I'm making money online. Learn how to start your own money-making [...]

By |September 26th, 2016|BLOGGING, Tips + Tutorials|9 Comments