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When I knew that I was ready to have a baby, I was that mom-to-be that was going to read ALL of the books for new moms.

I was all about knowing what was best for my future child, and it helped me feel prepared (even though you never really can be!) for what was to come.

I read many books, and I think that’s pretty normal for first-time moms.  

If you’re finding yourself in that stage of life (or know someone who is), there is a sea of books and a wealth of information out there for you.

Here I share with you many of the books I read and/or own. These have to do with pregnancy, the care of your child, parenting philosophies, and more.

However, I’m just lumping them into the category of “books for new moms” because if you’re like me, you’ll be ahead of the game and will be wanting to read ahead in preparation for the years to come.

These books for new moms make great gifts and great additions to your home library. They are great references for everything that is normal in pregnancy and those first few years, and they are also a great place to start when developing your parenting philosophy and style. Happy reading!

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Expecting? Know someone who is? Here are 15 must-read books for new moms. Parenting, pregnancy, and beyond! These make great gifts.

15 Must-Read Books for New Moms

During or Before Pregnancy

What to Expect When You’re Expecting – This is the famous book that millions of pregnant women have read. It’s a must-read!

Your Pregnancy, Week by Week – A great look at what’s happening to your baby and your body during pregnancy. Really fun if you’re into the science of it all!

The First Year

Your Baby’s First Year: Week by Week – A play-by-play of the development of your child in the first year. What’s normal? When should your baby coo, crawl, and walk? When should your baby start eating solid foods? When should your baby start having cow’s milk? You get the picture.

The Happiest Baby on the Block –  Guide to raising happy babies that sleep through the night.

On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep – Another popular guide to getting your child to sleep through the night.

The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind – A book focused on helping you nurture your child’s learning and helping them reach all the right developmental milestones.

Natural Remedies for Kids – This one is pretty self-explanatory.

Taking Care of Your Child – My mother had an edition of this book for when I was a kid and she passed it on to me. It’s full of common symptoms of various illnesses and conditions, and helps you decide what to do for your child based on the circumstances. From basic colds to cuts and scrapes, this book is super handy for new moms.

Caring for Your Baby & Young Child – This one also provides basic “how-to’s” and medical advice.

Toddler Years

The Happiest Toddler on the Block – A very popular book on raising confident and self-assured children.

Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood  – This book was magical to me. It’s one I plan on reading again and again. All of the parenting advice offered has helped me in creating what I believe to be an effective parenting style.  I feel like this book has given me the tools I need to raise an independent and confident little girl.

Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parentings Need to Know to Do It Once & Do It Right – A book that’s on my “to read” list. We are really struggling with potty training right now and I need to pick this one up!

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk – This one is also quite self-explanatory.

The 5 Love Languages of Children – This is an especially good one for those who don’t have a lot of previous experience with kids.

Parenting the Strong-Willed Child – My mother jokingly says that I was a strong-willed child, and that my daughter being one is payback for my stubbornness throughout the years. 🙂 If you have a strong, stubborn and independent child, this is a must-read!

There you have it!

Have you read any of these books? What are your favorite books for new moms?